Optimum Industrial Boiler Fasteners

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Like many industries, the industrial boiler industry is undergoing significant changes. Spurred on by changing consumer demand and evolving government sustainability targets, manufacturers are aiming to curb harmful emissions and maximise the energy efficiency of their products. 

2022 has brought on increased demand for the boiler industry. Global challenges have seen soaring energy prices, encouraging businesses to lower their energy use by investing in boilers that are more energy efficient and require little maintenance. Currently, research suggests that 88% of major source boilers can meet emissions targets via yearly adjustments, but 12% will need to be totally refurbished or replaced, creating significant opportunities for low-emissions boiler manufacturers. Moreover, large chemical and food processing businesses are contributing to demand by turning to industrial boilers to meet their production targets. 

However, industrial boiler manufacturers are being met with structural and material issues during their production processes, including material inadequacy, deformation, stress corrosion, and hydrogen embrittlement. Fasteners can make up nearly 50% of a product’s parts, and if manufactured using the wrong ones, an industrial boiler can fail in its application. 


Essential Qualities For Industrial Boiler Fasteners 

Industrial boiler manufacturers need to prioritise using quality fasteners that are:   

Corrosion Resistant 

  • Industrial boilers have to be able to withstand extremely high temperatures, and maintain good corrosion resistance against harsh chemicals. When electroplated with zinc, steel becomes corrosion resistant, and combined with other coatings can result in good torque tension control, but brings with it the possibility of hydrogen embrittlement, meaning the part will have to be de-embrittled. 
  • Galvanised zinc provides some of the best corrosion protection coatings on steel fasteners, and avoids the possibility of hydrogen embrittlement as it uses an alternative application method. 

Heat Resistant 

  • In order not to fail in their application, industrial boiler fasteners need to withstand high temperatures. Fasteners made of nickel-based alloys allow for extremely high temperatures. 

Stain Resistant 

  • Industrial boilers are often used in chemical plants, so they need to withstand even the harshest of substances. When combined with chromium, nickel or molybdenum, steel fasteners become corrosion and stain resistant, and therefore optimised for use in boiler applications. 

Deformation Resistant 

  • Industrial boilers fasteners not only have to withstand harsh environments, but retain their shape and structure under intense pressure. Carbon and carbon alloy steels offer good impact resistance and can withstand high temperatures, while retaining their shape and avoiding suffering plastic deformation. 

With industrial boiler fasteners needing to withstand intense heat, pressure and abrasive chemicals, it’s crucial manufacturers prioritise using optimised parts at every stage of the production process, down to these small but critical parts. 

Optimas manufacture especially durable industrial boiler fasteners through cold-forming. Cold-forming is a tried-and-true manufacturing process, which maximises a part’s metallurgical properties and prioritises strength by ensuring the part’s structural integrity. Our experienced cold-form manufacturers work with a wide range of materials and finishes to achieve certain resistances and optimise parts for your industrial boiler application.  

Here are just a few examples of industrial boiler fasteners that we can manufacture: 

  • Rivet Nuts 
  • Socket Cap Screws 
  • Hex Cap Screws 
  • Socket Set Screws 


All of our fasteners undergo a rigorous testing process to ensure we only ever supply you with fasteners of the highest quality. We’ll also offer you the opportunity to work with our expert fastener engineers, from prototyping to production line, to create specialised parts for your specific fastening application. 

Work with us to optimise your product performance and meet demand. 

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