2023 Top 3 Most Popular Optimas Resources

Posted by
Meghan Lang
Senior Marketing Manager

What was top of mind for manufacturers, distributors and suppliers this year?

Dive into these popular topics and more by reading The Top 3 Optimas Resources of 2023!

Manufacturing and distribution are complementary sourcing strategies.

Toolbox Talks Episode 1: Complementary Sourcing Strategies

Who do you engage, a manufacturer or a distributor, to acquire fasteners? In our inaugural Optimas Toolbox Talks podcast, we discuss how both solutions, from a single source, can complement rather than compete. Hear how you can benefit.

Case Study with Reelcraft

While partnering with Optimas, Reelcraft was able to enhance the continuity of their supply chain and parts availability, in addition to reducing total cost of ownership. See how Reelcraft achieved operational efficiency in this case study.

VMI Workbook

Webinar & Worksheet: What You Should Know Before Changing VMIs?

We sat down with the heads of Supply Chain Now to discuss five key items you should expect when transitioning inventory management systems. Watch a recording of the webinar and gain insider tips on what this process really entails.

And we created a quick-start workbook to help you:

  1. Identify core questions to ask internal stakeholders before you even get started
  2. Vet inventory management solutions providers
  3. Set up KPIs to measure success

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